Add argparse, improve clean names function

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Dietrich 2017-08-28 17:17:58 +02:00
parent 0774871d53
commit 8213dd3c29
1 changed files with 55 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import sys
import re
import json
import os.path
import argparse
from time import sleep, localtime, strftime
from colorama import init as colorama_init
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
@ -13,25 +14,35 @@ from miflora.miflora_poller import MiFloraPoller, MI_BATTERY, MI_CONDUCTIVITY, M
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import sdnotify
parameters = {MI_BATTERY: dict(pretty='Sensor Battery Level', typeformat='%d', unit='%'),
MI_CONDUCTIVITY: dict(pretty='Soil Conductivity/Fertility', typeformat='%d', unit='µS/cm'),
MI_LIGHT: dict(pretty='Sunlight Intensity', typeformat='%d', unit='lux'),
MI_MOISTURE: dict(pretty='Soil Moisture', typeformat='%d', unit='%'),
MI_TEMPERATURE: dict(pretty='Air Temperature', typeformat='%.1f', unit='°C')}
project_name = 'Xiaomi Mi Flora Plant Sensor MQTT Client/Daemon'
project_url = ''
parameters = {MI_BATTERY: dict(name_pretty='Sensor Battery Level', typeformat='%d', unit='%'),
MI_CONDUCTIVITY: dict(name_pretty='Soil Conductivity/Fertility', typeformat='%d', unit='µS/cm'),
MI_LIGHT: dict(name_pretty='Sunlight Intensity', typeformat='%d', unit='lux'),
MI_MOISTURE: dict(name_pretty='Soil Moisture', typeformat='%d', unit='%'),
MI_TEMPERATURE: dict(name_pretty='Air Temperature', typeformat='%.1f', unit='°C')}
if False:
# will be caught by python 2.7 to be illegal syntax
print('Sorry, this script requires a python3 runtime environemt.', file=sys.stderr)
# Argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=project_name, epilog='For further details see: ' + project_url)
parser.add_argument('--gen-openhab', help='generate openHAB items based on configured sensors', action='store_true')
parse_args = parser.parse_args()
# Intro
print(Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT)
print('Xiaomi Mi Flora Plant Sensor MQTT Client/Daemon')
print('Source:', project_url)
if False:
print('Sorry, this script requires a python3 runtime environemt.', file=sys.stderr)
# Systemd Service Notifications -
sd_notifier = sdnotify.SystemdNotifier()
# Logging function
def print_line(text, error = False, warning=False, sd_notify=False, console=True):
timestamp = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime())
if console:
@ -41,11 +52,17 @@ def print_line(text, error = False, warning=False, sd_notify=False, console=True
print(Fore.YELLOW + '[{}] '.format(timestamp) + Style.RESET_ALL + '{}'.format(text) + Style.RESET_ALL)
print(Fore.GREEN + '[{}] '.format(timestamp) + Style.RESET_ALL + '{}'.format(text) + Style.RESET_ALL)
timestamp_sd = strftime('%b %d %H:%M:%S', localtime())
if sd_notify:
sd_notifier.notify('STATUS={} - {}.'.format(timestamp_sd, unidecode(text)))
# Identifier cleanup
def clean_identifier(name):
clean = name.strip()
for this, that in [[' ', '-'], ['ä', 'ae'], ['Ä', 'Ae'], ['ö', 'oe'], ['Ö', 'Oe'], ['ü', 'ue'], ['Ü', 'Ue'], ['ß', 'ss']]:
clean = clean.replace(this, that)
clean = unidecode(clean)
return clean
# Eclipse Paho callbacks -
def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
@ -64,7 +81,7 @@ def on_publish(client, userdata, mid):
def flores_to_openhab_items(flores, reporting_mode):
print_line('Generating openHAB "miflora.items" file ...')
print_line('Generating openHAB items. Copy to your configuration and modify as needed...')
items = list()
items.append('// miflora.items - Generated by miflora-mqtt-daemon.')
items.append('// Adapt to your needs! Things you probably want to modify:')
@ -72,16 +89,18 @@ def flores_to_openhab_items(flores, reporting_mode):
items.append('// "gAll", "broker", "UnknownRoom"')
items.append('// Mi Flora specific groups')
items.append('Group gMiFlora "All Mi Flora sensors and elements" (gAll)')
for param, param_properties in parameters.items():
items.append('Group g{} "Mi Flora {} elements" (gAll)'.format(param.capitalize(), param_properties['pretty']))
items.append('Group g{} "Mi Flora {} elements" (gAll, gMiFlora)'.format(param.capitalize(), param_properties['name_pretty']))
if reporting_mode == 'mqtt-json':
for [flora_name, flora] in flores.items():
location = flora['location'] if flora['location'] else 'UnknownRoom'
items.append('\n// Mi Flora "{}" ({})'.format(flora['pretty'], flora['mac']))
location = flora['location_clean'] if flora['location_clean'] else 'UnknownRoom'
items.append('\n// Mi Flora "{}" ({})'.format(flora['name_pretty'], flora['mac']))
items.append('Group g{}{} "Mi Flora Sensor {}" (gMiFlora, g{})'.format(location, flora_name, flora['name_pretty'], location))
for [param, param_properties] in parameters.items():
basic = 'Number {}_{}_{}'.format(location, flora_name.capitalize(), param.capitalize())
label = '"{} {} {} [{} {}]"'.format(location, flora['pretty'], param_properties['pretty'], param_properties['typeformat'], param_properties['unit'].replace('%', '%%'))
details = '<text> (g{}, g{})'.format(location, param.capitalize())
basic = 'Number {}_{}_{}'.format(location, flora_name, param.capitalize())
label = '"{} {} {} [{} {}]"'.format(location, flora['name_pretty'], param_properties['name_pretty'], param_properties['typeformat'], param_properties['unit'].replace('%', '%%'))
details = '<text> (g{}{}, g{})'.format(location, flora_name, param.capitalize())
channel = '{{mqtt="<[broker:{}/{}:state:JSONPATH($.{})]"}}'.format(base_topic, flora_name, param)
items.append(' '.join([basic, label, details, channel]))
@ -145,16 +164,12 @@ for [name, mac] in config['Sensors'].items():
print_line('The MAC address "{}" seems to be in the wrong format. Please check your configuration'.format(mac), error=True, sd_notify=True)
location = ''
if '@' in name:
name, location = name.split("@")
location = location.replace(' ', '-')
name_pretty = name
name_clean = name.lower()
for o, n in [[' ', '-'], ['ä', 'ae'], ['ö', 'oe'], ['ü', 'ue'], ['ß', 'ss']]:
name_clean = name_clean.replace(o, n)
name_clean = unidecode(name_clean)
name_pretty, location_pretty = name.split('@')
name_pretty, location_pretty = name, ''
name_clean = clean_identifier(name_pretty)
location_clean = clean_identifier(location_pretty)
flora = dict()
print('Adding sensor to device list and testing connection ...')
@ -163,17 +178,18 @@ for [name, mac] in config['Sensors'].items():
flora_poller = MiFloraPoller(mac=mac, cache_timeout=miflora_cache_timeout, retries=3)
flora['poller'] = flora_poller
flora['pretty'] = name_pretty
flora['name_pretty'] = name_pretty
flora['mac'] = flora_poller._mac
flora['refresh'] = sleep_period
flora['location'] = location
flora['location_clean'] = location_clean
flora['location_pretty'] = location_pretty
flora['stats'] = {"count": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 0}
flora['firmware'] = flora_poller.firmware_version()
except IOError:
print_line('Failed to retrieve data from Mi Flora sensor "{}" ({}) during initial connection.'.format(name_pretty, mac), error=True, sd_notify=True)
print_line('Initial connection to Mi Flora sensor "{}" ({}) failed.'.format(name_pretty, mac), error=True, sd_notify=True)
print('Internal name: "{}"'.format(name_clean))
print('Device name: "{}"'.format(
@ -183,6 +199,11 @@ for [name, mac] in config['Sensors'].items():
flores[name_clean] = flora
# openHAB items generation
if parse_args.gen_openhab:
flores_to_openhab_items(flores, reporting_mode)
# Discovery Announcement
if reporting_mode == 'mqtt-json':
print_line('Announcing Mi Flora devices to MQTT broker for auto-discovery ...')
@ -206,7 +227,7 @@ elif reporting_mode == 'mqtt-homie':
for [flora_name, flora] in flores.items():
topic_path = '{}/{}/{}'.format(base_topic, device_id, flora_name)
mqtt_client.publish('{}/$name'.format(topic_path), flora['pretty'], 1, True)
mqtt_client.publish('{}/$name'.format(topic_path), flora['name_pretty'], 1, True)
mqtt_client.publish('{}/$type'.format(topic_path), 'miflora', 1, True)
mqtt_client.publish('{}/$properties'.format(topic_path), 'battery,conductivity,light,moisture,temperature', 1, True)
mqtt_client.publish('{}/battery/$settable'.format(topic_path), 'false', 1, True)
@ -234,7 +255,6 @@ elif reporting_mode == 'mqtt-homie':
print_line('Initialization complete, starting MQTT publish loop', console=False, sd_notify=True)
flores_to_openhab_items(flores, reporting_mode)
# Sensor data retrieval and publication
while True:
@ -244,7 +264,7 @@ while True:
flora['poller']._cache = None
flora['poller']._last_read = None
flora['stats']['count'] = flora['stats']['count'] + 1
print_line('Retrieving data from sensor "{}" ...'.format(flora['pretty']))
print_line('Retrieving data from sensor "{}" ...'.format(flora['name_pretty']))
while attempts != 0 and not flora['poller']._cache:
@ -259,7 +279,7 @@ while True:
if not flora['poller']._cache:
flora['stats']['failure'] = flora['stats']['failure'] + 1
print_line('Failed to retrieve data from Mi Flora sensor "{}" ({}), success rate: {:.0%}'.format(
flora['pretty'], flora['mac'], flora['stats']['success']/flora['stats']['count']
flora['name_pretty'], flora['mac'], flora['stats']['success']/flora['stats']['count']
), error = True, sd_notify = True)
@ -282,7 +302,7 @@ while True:
elif reporting_mode == 'json':
data['timestamp'] = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime())
data['name'] = flora_name
data['pretty_name'] = flora['pretty']
data['name_pretty'] = flora['name_pretty']
data['mac'] = flora['mac']
data['firmware'] = flora['firmware']
print('Data for "{}": {}'.format(flora_name, json.dumps(data)))